

  1. Preprint
    Optimality and uniqueness of the D_4 root system
    David de Laat, Nando Leijenhorst, and Willem H. H. de Muinck Keizer
    Apr 2024
  2. Preprint
    Optimality of spherical codes via exact semidefinite programming bounds
    Henry Cohn, David de Laat, and Nando Leijenhorst
    Mar 2024
  3. Preprint
    Solving clustered low-rank semidefinite programs arising from polynomial optimization
    Nando Leijenhorst, and David de Laat
    Feb 2022

Journal papers

  1. Article
    Multiplicity of nontrivial zeros of primitive L-functions via higher-level correlations
    Felipe Gonçalves, David de Laat, and Nando Leijenhorst
    Mathematics of Computations, Aug 2024


  1. Thesis
    A solver for clustered low-rank SDPs arising from multivariate polynomial (matrix) programs (MSc thesis)
    Nando Leijenhorst
    Jun 2021
  2. Thesis
    Quantum Error Correction: Decoders for the Toric Code (BSc thesis)
    Nando Leijenhorst
    Aug 2019



  • Optimality and uniqueness of the D4 root system, EURO2024, Copenhagen, 01-03/07/2024.
  • From approximate to exact optimal solutions to large semidefinite programs, Operations Research seminar, Universiteit Tilburg, 23/05/2024.
  • Rounding solutions of semidefinite programs, DMO Seminar, TU Delft, 26/01/2024.


  • The second step of the Lasserre hierarchy for the kissing number problem, Conference on Symmetry, Stability, and interactions with Computation, CIRM, Marseille, 13/11/2023-17/11/2023.
  • The second step of the Lasserre hierarchy for the kissing number problem, Seminar, Cologne, 07/11/2023.
  • Max Cut and Grothendieck’s inequality, Blackboard talk, DMO Blackboard Seminar, TU Delft, 10/10/2023.